
The goal is to manage all day-to-day functions of your house for you, for any length of time. This can include but is not limited to:

  • Weekly visits to your house.

  • Walk exterior perimeter.

  • Check interior for any signs of rodents/insects.

  • Vendor management/coordination.

  • Special trips to allow service providers in (HVAC, plumbers, cleaners, etc).

  • Mail checked (if requested mail opened and scanned back to you).

  • All packages taken off porch and into house.

  • Any plants you want watered.

  • Toilets flushed.

  • Run all sinks.

  • Check for any leaks.

  • WiFi checked.

  • Check pool/equipment.

  • Visit after windstorm/haboob/monsoon.

  • Alarm checked.

  • All windows checked/locked.

  • All doors checked/locked.

  • Report back with any photos or videos.

  • $150/month.

  • Extra visits to house: $25/trip (depends on drive time).

  • Waiting for service providers: $25/hour.

  • Or… customize your own program & price.

  • Prorated plans available.

I am open to building custom management plans to suit your needs. In general, this is what I offer.

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I am able to serve up to 30 clients. Please check for availability.